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REAL STRANGE NEWS: Reality TV Sets Sights on Mars for New Reality Show

Written By Liberty Bell Press Online on Saturday, June 16, 2012 | 1:21 PM

Read Original Real Science article here.
Visit the Official Mars-One Website!

For most of us the planet Mars is just far, far away. And not someplace that many of us envision visiting. But within the next ten years manned missions to the red planet may become possible and even routine. A Dutch television company is banking on Mars becoming a hot, new destination sometime in the early 2020s. And it will create a reality show to mark the historic human move to other planets.

Governor Jesse Ventura Explains Why Governments Are Like Gangs


Jesse Ventura, former Minn. governor , compares Democrats and Republicans to LA street gangs in his latest book. Photo courtesy of TruTV's "Conspiracy Theory" hosted by Ventura.
It’s a Monday afternoon in Minnesota and Jesse “The Mind” Ventura, as he was known when he ran the state as governor, is surprisingly more content than he is angry. The 60 year old star of the former World Wrestling Federation, though, has not lost his fire in the belly. He’s just as fed up with the government as Ron Paul (one of his favorite politicians) and the Occupy Wall Street crowd (which he prefers over the Tea Party).
He’s currently starting his fourth book tour. This one’s based on his latest, titled “Democrips and Rebloodicans”. That’s right. The Crips and the Bloods, the famously 80s West Coast naughty homies that taught white kids how to throw a gang sign and made wearing certain colors illegal in public schools. As dangerous as those brothers are, and were, says Ventura, the Democrats and Republicans are much, much worse.
“If you vote for a Democrat or a Republican, you get what you deserve,” he says in that signature Ventura vocal delivery, the one fitting of a pro-wrestler. Lights up. Cameras flashing. Little boys and their dads cheering in the stands.
“We’ve got an entire political system based on bribery. It’s obscene,” he says.
It’s something Ventura, an independent, has been talking about for more than a decade now. Today, that view is mainstream. What’s congress’s approval rating? Ten percent? Fifteen? Whatever it is, it is at historically low levels. And the most popular Democratic president

Real Strange News: 119 TOP Scientists that Died Random Deaths connected to Government and Cure Agencies!

List of Dead Scientists who have died in the last 15 years including references.

A strange epidemic has flooded the industry of weird and unexplaned random deaths that may or may not be from natural causes. Most of these Medical experts are the best in their field and have political and or government ties! Most of these deaths beat the odds of randomness. Example is dying from a piano falling on  you. However that may not be the case however, we find these highly unlikely! I

The Critical Thinker: Who will be controlling the 30,000 Drones that Taxpayers pay for? The end to privacy as we know it!

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Is this a mosquito? No. It represents an insect spy drone. These machines are already in production, funded by the US Government. They can be remotely controlled and equipped with a camera and a microphone. They may be able to land on you, and may have the potential to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. They can fly through an open window, or attach to your until you take them in your home. Given a propensity to request macro-sized drones for surveillance, one is left with little doubt that police and military are into these gadgets . 

            How do they tell wrong from right? How do they know this when scientists have been trying to explain morality with no avail? What happens if there is a mistake? Why can we be an open book and the government needs to hide everything? How can we trust that it will not be abused? If our lives are to be such an open book why does

In The Pickle: Unexplained Wisconsin:A Giant Mystery: 18 Strange Skeletons Found in Wisconsin 9-12 Feet Tall !

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Nine-foot Skeletons with Huge Heads and Strange Facial Features Shocked Scientists When They Were Uncovered 100 Years Ago

Here's one for your "Forbidden Archaeology" file.

Above: This photo of giant Edouard Beaupre ca. 1900 proves that giants exist. But 18? - Wikimedia CommonsScientists are remaining stubbornly silent about a lost race of giants found in burial mounds near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, in May 1912.

The dig site at Lake Delavan was overseen by Beloit College and it included more than 200 effigy mounds that proved to be classic examples of 8th century Woodland Culture. But the enormous size of the skeletons and elongated skulls found in May 1912 did not fit very neatly into anyone's concept of a textbook standard.

They were enormous. These were not average human beings.

Strange Skulls

First reported in the 4 May 1912 issue of the New York Times, the 18 skeletons found by the Peterson brothers on Lake Lawn Farm in southwest Wisconsin exhibited several strange and freakish features.

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