It’s No Secret Why Ron Paul is So Popular with Independents
The latest Public Policy Poll that shows Ron Paul doing better in a head-to-head contest with President Obama than any other Republican presidential candidate also shows his consistent superior strength with independent voters. Paul ties Obama for independents while the rest of the GOP candidates trail 6-15 points.
Paul’s message of individual freedom, fiscal responsibility and a more prudent foreign policy resonates with a cross section of Americans in ways the other GOP candidates can never achieve. No one thinks of “individual freedom” when they look at the healthcare mandating Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, nor do they think this when they listen to Rick Santorum’s various plans to run Americans’ lives. No one thinks of “fiscal responsibility” when they look at Romney, Gingrich and Santorum’s big spending records. And at a time when a majority of Americans want to get out of Afghanistan immediately and to reduce America’s involvement around the world, no one sees any change in our foreign policy in the blustery rhetoric of Mitt, Newt and Rick.
Many Americans don’t see any hope for individual freedom, fiscal responsibility and a more prudent foreign policy in President Obama either–whose national healthcare plan remains unpopular, as does his outrageous spending and tragic foreign policy.
While the political establishment of both parties like to portray Ron Paul as a man out of step with the mainstream, he is in fact more in line with the mainstream than any of the establishment choices.
There’s really no secret as to why Ron Paul does so well with independent voters. It is the political class who need to get a clue.
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