Oldest living cat
The average life expectancy of an indoor cat is between 9 to 15 years.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest living cat is a Burmese called Kataleena Lady who lives in Melbourne, Australia. Kataleena Lady was born on March 11th, 1977
making her 35 years old.
Oldest cat
The oldest cat was Creme Puff of Austin Texas. Born on August 3rd 1967, Creme Puff passed away in August, 2005 at the age of 38 years.
Also deserving a mention are Puss, who was born in 1903. Puss was owned by Mrs T. Holway of Devon. Puss passed away on 29th November, 1939, one day after his 36th birthday.
The second is Granpa who lived to the ripe old age of 34. Granpa Rexs Allen (Granpa for short) was a Sphyx adopted from the Humane Society in Texas .
Heaviest cat
Himmy who lived in Cairns, Queensland, is the heaviest recorded cat, weighing in at a staggering 21.3kg (46.8lbs). Himmy, a desexed tabby died at the age of 10 of respiratory failure.
As of February 2003, there is a new contender for the world's heaviest cat. Five year old Katy, who lives in Russia reportedly weighs 20kg. Katy's owners had hoped to have her recognised as the world's heaviest cat with the Guinness Book of Records however they are no longer accepting nominations in this category as they don't want to encourage pet owners to overfeed their animals.
Lightest cat
The world's smallest cat is a Blue Point Himalayan by the name of Tinker Toy from the USA. Tinker Toy was just 2 ¾ tall (at the shoulder) & 7 ½ long (about the size of a cheque book). Tinker toy weighed 1lb & 8oz. Tinker Toy was featured in an article in the August 31, 1993 issue of National Enquirer. If anybody has a copy of this magazine I would love to hear from you.
Sadly, Tinker Toy passed away in November 1997. Many thanks to Scott & Katrina for their help.
Smallest Cat
Mr Peebles, a 2 year old domestic cat of Central Illinois holds the Guinness Book of World Records award for the smallest living cat.
Weighing in around 3lbs he is 6.1 inches high.
Apparently his small stature is due to a genetic defect.
Cat with most toes
Eighteen toes is the normal number for cats. A five year old moggy from Ontario, Canada is in the Guinness Book of Records for having the most toes. Jake has a total of 27 toes.
Unofficially Mooch who lives with his owners Bob & Becky Duval in Maine, USA is the winner having 28 toes. Mooch's owners have submitted evidence to the Guinness Book of Records, watch out Jake!!!
In July 2010 I was contacted by Rory who had written an article on Bandit, a cat with 29 toes. You can read about Bandit here.
Cats with more than the "normal" number of toes are called Polydactyl. Poly comes from the Greek word "polys" which means many or more than one. Dactyl also comes from the Greek word "daktylos" or finger. Polydactyl's are also known as Hemingway cats.
Most Kittens Produced by a Domestic Cat
By 1952, Dusty, a Tabby moggy from Texas had given birth to a total number of 420 kittens in her lifetime.
The Largest Pet Litter
On 7th August, 1970, a four year old Burmese called Tarawood Antigone, who was owned by Valerie Gane of Oxfordshire, UK, gave birth to nineteen kittens. The surviving fifteen kittens consisted of 1 female & 14 males.
The Oldest Feline Mother
Kitty, owned by George Johnstone of Staffordshire, UK, gave birth to two kittens at the ripe old age of 30. During her life, Kitty produced a total of 218 kittens.
World's Most Well Travelled Cat
A cat by the name of Hamlet escaped from his carrier while on a flight from Toronto, Canada. Hamlet was discovered 7 weeks later behind a panel. In this time, he had travelled approximately 600,000kms.
World's Most Expensive Cat
An Asian Leopard Cat (ALC)/Domestic Shorthair (DSH) hybrid, bred by Esmond Gay, is the world's most expensive cat. Zeus, who is 90% ALC & 10% DSH has an asking price of £100,000.00.
Longest Non Fatal Fall
Andy, who was owned by a Florida Senator by the name of Ken Myer holds the world record for the longest non fatal fall. Andy fell from the 16th floor (200 feet) of an apartment building.
Longest Post Earthquake Survival by a Cat
A cat was discovered alive in a collapsed building 80 days after an earthquake in Taiwan in December 1999.
Richest Cat
Ben Rea left his cat Blackie £15 million in his will.
Most Cats
Jack & Donna Wright of Kingston, Ontario made their way to the Guinness Book of Records for having the highest number of cats. According to the Guinness Book of Records they have 689 cats.
World's Fastest Feline
The Cheetah is the world's fastest cat, able to reach speeds of 70mph.
Best Mouser
The world's best mouser was tortoiseshell moggy Towser, April 21st, 1963 to 20th March 1987. In her lifetime she caught 28,899 mice, plus numerous other unfortunate creatures such as rats & rabbits. Towser worked for the Glenturret Distillery. A statue has been erected in the distillery grounds to honour Towser.
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