'Sea Monster' In South Carolina Said Likely A Sturgeon (PHOTO)
After Live 5 News posted the image on Facebook, commenter Cindy Fabian noted, "It looks like the result of the BP oil disaster to me; serious mutation!"
It's not clear what's become of the specimen. The aquarium's Kate Dittloff told The Huffington Post that the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources which normally cleans up dead animals, would have only done so if the creature had been deemed a threat.
Sturgeons have been around for millions of years,
experts say. But monstrous or otherwise, they've been washing up less frequently in recent years, Boylan said. Eighty-five percent of sturgeon species are threatened, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The main reason for that, experts say, is overfishing. Sturgeon roe is prized as caviar.